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- #ifndef XPK_XPKPREFS_H
- #define XPK_XPKPREFS_H
- /*
- ** $VER: xpk/xpkprefs.h 4.10 (05.04.97) by SDI
- **
- ** (C) Copyright 1996-1997 by Dirk Stöcker
- ** All Rights Reserved
- */
- #include <exec/semaphores.h>
- #include <libraries/iffparse.h>
- #define ID_XPKT MAKE_ID('X','P','K','T')
- #define ID_XPKM MAKE_ID('X','P','K','M')
- /***************************************************************************
- *
- *
- * XpkTypeData structure
- *
- */
- #define XTD_NoPack (1<<0) /* filetype should not be crunched */
- #define XTD_ReturnError (1<<1) /* return XPKERR_BADPARAMS -- this
- equals version 3 handling */
- /* These two cannot be set same time! */
- struct XpkTypeData {
- ULONG xtd_Flags; /* see above XTD flags */
- ULONG xtd_StdID; /* holding the ID --> 'NUKE' */
- ULONG xtd_ChunkSize; /* maybe useless with external crunchers */
- UWORD xtd_Mode; /* PackMode */
- UWORD xtd_Version; /* structure version --> 0 at the moment */
- STRPTR xtd_Password; /* not used at the moment */
- STRPTR xtd_Memory; /* memory pointer - when should be freed by */
- ULONG xtd_MemorySize; /* memory size - receiver (xpkmaster) */
- };
- /***************************************************************************
- *
- *
- * XpkTypePrefs structure
- *
- */
- #define XPKT_NamePattern (1<<0) /* File Pattern is given */
- #define XPKT_FilePattern (1<<1) /* Name Pattern is given */
- /* These can both be set (in loading this means File AND Name Pattern have
- to match), but one is needed */
- struct XpkTypePrefs {
- ULONG xtp_Flags; /* See above XPKT Flags */
- STRPTR xtp_TypeName; /* Name of this file type (for prefs program) */
- STRPTR xtp_NamePattern; /* Pointer to NamePattern */
- STRPTR xtp_FilePattern; /* Pointer to FilePattern */
- struct XpkTypeData * xtp_PackerData;
- };
- /***************************************************************************
- *
- *
- * XpkMainPrefs structure
- *
- */
- #define XPKM_UseXFD (1<<0) /* Use xfdmaster.library for unpacking */
- #define XPKM_UseExternals (1<<1) /* Use xex libraries */
- #define XPKM_AutoPassword (1<<2) /* Use the automatic password requester */
- struct XpkMainPrefs {
- ULONG xmp_Version; /* version of structure ==> 0 */
- ULONG xmp_Flags; /* above defined XPKM flags */
- struct XpkTypeData * xmp_DefaultType; /* sets the mode used as default */
- UWORD xmp_Timeout; /* Timeout for password requester
- given in seconds, zero means no timeout */
- };
- /* The library internal defaults are:
- XPKM_AutoPassword FALSE
- XPKM_UseExternals TRUE
- XTD_ReturnError defined as default
- xmp_TimeOut set to 120 (two minutes)
- These defaults are used, when no preferences file is given.
- */
- /***************************************************************************
- *
- *
- * XpkMasterPrefs Semaphore structure
- *
- * find with FindSemaphore(XPKPREFSSEMNAME);
- *
- * obtain with ObtainSemaphoreShared(),
- * programs WRITING into the structure fields must know:
- * - use ObtainSemaphore() instead of ObtainSemaphoreShared()
- * - free memory of elements you remove
- * - xb_MainPrefsSize is the length of memory allocated for xb_MainPrefs
- * - all other nodes are freed, when XpkMasterPrefs program finishes, do
- * not do it your own, but you have to allocate memory for new ones!
- * Generally there should be no need to write to these fields !!!!
- */
- #define XPKPREFSSEMNAME "« XpkMasterPrefs »"
- /* Defines used for xps_PrefsType. These help to find out, which preferences
- * type is used. */
- #define XPREFSTYPE_STANDARD 0x58504B4D /* 'XPKM' */
- #define XPREFSTYPE_CYB 0x20435942 /* ' CYB' */
- struct XpkPrefsSemaphore {
- struct SignalSemaphore xps_Semaphore;
- ULONG xps_Version; /* at the moment 0 */
- ULONG xps_PrefsType; /* preferences type */
- APTR xps_PrefsData; /* preferences data */
- struct XpkMainPrefs * xps_MainPrefs; /* defined defaults */
- ULONG xps_RecogSize; /* needed size of Recogbuffer */
- struct XpkTypeData * ( * xps_RecogFunc) (); /* Recog function */
- struct Hook * xps_ProgressHook; /* hook function */
- struct Task * xps_MasterTask; /* Creater's task */
- };
- /* Use Signal(sem->xps_MasterTask, SIGBREAKF_CTRL_C); to get the installer
- program to remove the semaphore. */
- /* prototype/typedef of RecogFunc:
- typedef struct XpkTypeData * __asm (*RecogFunc)
- (register __a0 STRPTR buffer,
- register __a1 STRPTR filename,
- register __a2 STRPTR chunkname,
- register __d0 ULONG buffersize,
- register __d1 ULONG fullsize);
- */
- #endif /* XPK_XPKPREFS_H */